Plan For Inflation Relief
March 15, 2024
Brandon Davis Plan For Inflation Relief

Inflation is putting a strain on Nevada families, particularly those with lower incomes, as the prices of essentials like gas, food, and rent continue to climb, reaching levels not seen since 1980. It is the #1 answer I get when asking people in Assembly District 34 “What is the biggest issue facing you and your family?”.

Much of the responsibility for this historic inflation rests with the Federal government’s overspending, driving today’s record inflation rates. The solution to this issue ultimately lies in the hands of the federal government, but there are ways Nevada legislators can help.

Below I’ll list out a few items I will personally work to deliver once elected to Carson City to represent Assembly District 34, that will provide relief for our communities facing hardships as a result of government-created inflation:


Cut and/or Repeal Taxes:

  • I support repealing the Gross Receipts Tax (Commerce Tax)
  • I support a revenue-neutral expansion of the sales tax base, with a consequent lowering of the statewide sales tax rate to 3.5 percent.
  • I support a suspension of the gas tax, which can offer immediate relief to Nevadans grappling with soaring fuel prices.

Reducing taxes enables Nevada families to retain more of their earnings, offering much-needed relief as living costs rise.

Reduce Regulations:

  • I support streamlining regulations to lower the cost of business operations, which fosters economic growth and job creation for small businesses.
  • I support implementing regulatory sandboxes to provide businesses with temporary relief from burdensome regulations, which facilitates innovation, job creation, and community development.
  • I support occupational licensing reforms that allow Nevadans to start businesses faster and increase reciprocity for Nevada transplants.

Addressing Nevada’s regulatory policies such as licensing requirements and forced unionization, can enhance labor market flexibility and increase job opportunities.


Increase Housing Supply:

  • Housing affordability has been severely impacted by inflation, making homeownership unattainable for many middle and low-income families.
  • I support policies to expand housing options by reforming zoning regulations, allowing higher housing density in desirable areas, and expediting the approval process for new developments.
  • I support fighting to get more Nevada lands back to its residents from the Federal Government. Over 80% of the land in Nevada is owned by the federal government.

Affordable housing for our workforce, growing families, and low-income families can be made more accessible through more inventory. More inventory = more competition = lower prices.


Facilitate Employment:

Labor shortages contribute significantly to current inflation levels, emphasizing the importance of assisting Nevadas in returning to work.

  • I support adjusting unemployment benefits based on current economic conditions
  • I support implementing stricter work search requirements
  • I support occupational licensing reforms to allow more entrants into the workforce

Reforming cumbersome occupational licensing laws can facilitate employment opportunities, especially for individuals with lower incomes, by removing unnecessary barriers to entry into various professions.

Real Solutions for Big Issues

I hear those in my community when they say inflation’s the biggest challenge for their families, hitting hard with rising prices on everything from groceries to gas. I plan to ease this burden by cutting taxes, simplifying regulations to boost jobs, making homes more affordable, and helping everyone get back to work.

It’s all about making life in Nevada better for you. Let’s tackle this together, bringing real solutions to our community in Carson City. To help me make it happen, support my campaign by making a contribution or volunteering today.